ㄎㄎㄎ!我終於敗家【Pierotucci】皮洛圖馳: 花印小羊皮小手提包 花漾坎波德設計 義大利製造(印花)哪裡買便宜?了!【Pierotucci】皮洛圖馳: 花印小羊皮小手提包 花漾坎波德設計 義大利製造(印花)哪裡買便宜?➽推薦介紹資料㊝義大利設計製造這麼優惠實在超 happy吶超讚的。在下發現雅虎奇摩購物要比燦坤購物、pchome更有吸引力。超多的網友很都說【Pierotucci】皮洛圖馳: 花印小羊皮小手提包 花漾坎波德設計 義大利製造(印花)哪裡買便宜?無敵強的!給kitty看也說這真的報價蠻合理的。後續再做一些更完整圖片資料的介紹吧!點圖可以進到官網推薦介紹!但網友也都瞭解在台灣定價和價格會有一定的差距,你們實際上在店面看到的價格應該會再便宜一些才是囉,別忘了點擊圖片搜尋。【Pierotucci】皮洛圖馳: 花印小羊皮小手提包 花漾坎波德設計 義大利製造(印花)哪裡買便宜?唷呼。
➤這裡可以看更詳盡詳細推薦介紹!說實在的,到處找優惠商品真的是很傷腦筋的一件事情,上次看到的售價為 10115,網路網路價隨時會調整,可以點擊商品圖片查看最近特價唷!
我有去查詢momo購物、博客來、團購網站,但是價格都不像雅虎購物這樣的超值!我從開箱文大概知道到這是Campo dei經典設計頂級印花真皮,輕量耐用附內側拉鍊。鞋包錶,百貨專櫃包,款式,手提包商品。
Small Leather Handbag with Printed Flower Design
A bustling square selling fruit, vegetables and flowers called Campo dei Fiori is one of the most famous piazzas in Rome. It literally means “Field of Flowers” and this is where Pierotucci got its inspiration for its newest collection of Italian designer leather bags. Entirely hand crafted from exquisitely soft nappa leather from Italy, our experienced artisans have created a leather hand bag which has the essence of spring. A wonderful flowery pattern has been printed onto the leather bag and it gives it a fresh and young appeal. Pierotucci.com are always looking for new innovative designs and a small leather bag is perfect for your collection.
The design on the printed lambskin featured in this line is full of colorful and fragrant flowers which immediately calls to mind a picturesque “square” or piazza near Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy called Campo dei Fiori.
Protective storage bag
Top zip closure
Double leather strap handles
Cotton lining
External pocket, open: 2
Internal pocket with zip closure: 1
Nappa lambskin
資料來源:MOMO購物中心 - 【Pierotucci】皮洛圖馳: 花印小羊皮小手提包 花漾坎波德設計 義大利製造(印花)